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Scoperta una nuova galassia: una delle più antiche dell’Universo

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Pubblicato il 04/02/2019
Di Team Digital
Scoperta una nuova galassia una delle pi antiche dellUniverso

La volta celeste nascondeva una piccola galassia, vecchia quasi quanto l'Universo

Un nuovo insieme di stelle, una galassia piccola e dalla luce debole è stata scoperta esplorando il cielo. La ricerca è stata condotta sotto la guida di Luigi Bedin dell’Inaf ed i suoi risultati sono stati pubblicati su Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) una delle pubblicazioni scientifiche più importanti nell’ambito dell’astronomia e dell’astrofisica.

La ricerca era stata condotta per studiare meglio la nostra Via Lattea ed invece ha “scovato” nascosta nella volta celeste, una piccola galassia mai vista prima. E’ stata chiamata Bedin 1 e la particolarità è che ha quasi l’età dell’Universo: 13 miliardi di anni.

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We hope you’re having a Stellar Saturday! A glimpse from the @NASAHubble Space Telescope reveals an ancient, glimmering ball of stars. This globular cluster of stars moves slowly through space on the outskirts of the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of our closest galactic neighbors. This cluster is certainly one for extremes. It has a mass equivalent to roughly 140,000 Suns and and an age of around 13.1 billion years — making it almost as old as the universe itself. The stars in this cluster are not only dazzling — they are also indispensable tools. Some of these particular stars have well-defined luminosities, meaning that astronomers know the total amount of energy they emit. By comparing star luminosities, we can calculate the distances to these stars! Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA #NASA #Universe #Hubble #Space #SolarSystem #Galaxy #Star #Cluster #MagellanicCloud #Luminosity #Astrophysics #Astronomy #StellarSaturday #Gravity #GlobularCluster

Un post condiviso da NASA (@nasa) in data: Feb 2, 2019 at 8:03 PST

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The Hubble Space Telescope recently uncovered Bedin 1, a previously-unknown galaxy hiding in our own galactic neighborhood. This family of stars was found accidentally, as astronomers photographed the globular star cluster NGC 6752. The Cosmos is filled with objects of many different forms — stars, galaxies, nebula, globular clusters, and other objects to catch the eye of — and distract — astronomers. This was the case here, as Bedin 1 was found “hiding” behind the closer, brighter objects seen in the star cluster. Read more: Add Astronomy News with The Cosmic Companion to your flash briefing on Amazon Alexa! #space #astronomy #science #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #sciences #galaxy #galaxies #sciencefact #sciencefacts #discoveries #hst #nasa #jpl #esa #spacescience #astrophotography #astronomie #astronomía #bedin1 #globularcluster #astronomical #astronomyclass #astronomyclub #milkywaygalaxy #deepspace #hubbletelescope #hubblefriday #nasahubble #thecosmiccompanion @nasahubble @hubbleesa @nasa @nasasolarsystem

Un post condiviso da The Cosmic Companion (@thecosmiccompanion) in data: Gen 31, 2019 at 10:28 PST

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